How Sedum Green Roofs are Introducing Biodiversity to Urban Areas

Here at Green Roofs Direct, we are proud to be coastal growers of sedum, going into making our EverMat Green Roof System. We specialise in creating an EverMat system that is easy to install with easy maintenance guidance and no prior knowledge needed.

To further promote a passion for biodiversity and bringing greenery to urban areas, whether it be commercial or residential buildings, we put a high value in bringing back biodiversity and wildlife to the modern world. Although a green roof may be one small step, it’s pushing us as a society into the right direction of making more environmentally conscious choices.

Eliminating Plastic from Our Systems

Aligning to our sustainability goals, the EverMat system has eliminated the use of plastics in the green roof systems. In most previous green roof formulas, a plastic tray is used as a central part of the system. However, now no extra plastic is needed as a three-layer system is used, filter fleece, drainage layer and sedum blanket. As these three layers sit onto the roof with no plastic needed, this adds in progressing the ethos of increasing biodiversity, but it is also not at the cost of any additional plastic.

Where plastic trays have resulted in denting and carrying more weight to the roof, a three-layered system can sit directly onto a waterproofed roof. Therefore, this is not only more efficient but also adds to reduction of plastics and a step forward to further increase sustainability in green roofing.

Whilst green roofs have always been an environmentally friendly choice, we acknowledge that there is always room for improvement even within the structure of a green roof. With the addition of a natural drainage layer, the middle layer to the three-layer system, this allows for LECA beads in this layer to naturally drain the water and keep the green roof thriving.


Celebrating plant life

A great asset to green roofs is that it allows for embracing plant life in urban areas. With the increase in awareness of giving back to our surroundings as we use the land, alongside new Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) compliances, more than ever people are beginning to embrace green roofs.

With a mix of sedum varieties growing from sedum blankets this aims to create green roofs that are each unique and individual in their makeup and distribution of sedum varieties. This helps to not only bring biodiversity and change with each season but also adds to creating a beautiful skyline filled with colour.

Additionally, whilst Green Roofs boast several environmental benefits, it’s important not to forget the obvious benefit to your roof of simply bringing beauty and colour to the landscape.

Benefitting Us and The World

Whilst benefitting the environment and the landscape, some people may still debate the need to invest in a green roof for their building.

Some less well-known features of a green roof are factors that can benefit an individual from inside the building whilst the green roof is atop. A green roof aids in temperature control of the building, keeping it cool in summer and keeping the heat in in winter. Additionally, it has a play in reducing rainwater runoff and absorbing excess rainwater. Also, by adding a sedum green roof, it will help to protect the roof of the building itself, shielding it from intense sunny spells and protecting it from harsh weather conditions.

Therefore, with our aim in promoting bringing biodiversity to our surroundings, we aim to further promote the benefits and features that a green roof can bring not only to its surroundings but also to us.

Want to buy our Sedum without drainage or growing medium? Choose Sedum Only